
Just a few conversations that seemed to spark my interest.  It is enjoyable to connect with like minded individuals:

Hey MacJedi – it’s good to see you. IWFG1818…

I would like to reply to your message and do it in such a way as to awaken you inner intelligence and maybe touch a memory from before this life…  We all have these memories but most have them obscured by this physical form which tends to want to travel the path of least resistance and find it’s truths in past memories stored in mortal element.  Often we don’t or don’t even know how to access the spiritual memories as they are extremely elusive unless you channel into one of the energy veins and the emotions come flooding like a broken dam of memory.  I am not much of a texter so I am not sure what IWFG1818 means.

We are literally light beings, made of the stuff of the stars. All of us. The questions for me have always been these:

Made of the same thing as stars.  Actually there is only one true element in existence and that is light or energy.  As we slow the frequency of energy we pass by the periodic table of mass or matter and find that every third dimensional subject is defined there and yet the root of all of them is light.

1. How conscious and deliberate can we be here now in our human form?

I have had many intervention moments with who I would call the creator or one of his separate but one co spiritual beings.  I won’t go into religious detail right now but supreme entities are recognized and named in holy writings.  Suffice it to say, I fell blessed to have received enlightenment from the higher power and it usually isn’t something I talk about let alone writ on a public forum but I will risk a small share of what I have received from asking directly many questions and receiving answers.  I am not here to bring attention to myself as I am quite  far from perfect enlightenment and worthy living but I know the love that the creator has for each of us and his desire for us not to accept shame for our inadequacies.  So i share only because It is what I am ask to do and I feel a need to bring what little change I can to humanity through simple and small things.  

Your Question #1.  1. How conscious and deliberate can we be here now in our human form? , I can share if you understand I am gently offering and not trying to change you or your thinking in any way.

Conscious and Deliberate in Human Form:  This life we are living is only a small sliver of what we might call a timeline of infinite progression.  We are right now if you will on the Tesseract of folding time where we exist as all we can be at once yet still within the confines of a progressive linear propagation designed to slowly and gently mold and improve who and what we are.  A school you might say… strategically and carefully intentionally designed to bring us to the highest possible level of existence we are capable of achieving.  This school has taken our native form which if you could view it with your naked eye would look like a small shining brilliant tiny star…  This tiny star self existing having never been created nor cannot be destroyed is eternal in nature…  It is the essence of all life.  Even the root of God, there you will find that even he and his center has the self same tiny star however naturally more brilliant than any of our own.  The resting form of existence was simple…  Space which was never created but is simply the warehouse of all things with an eternal footprint (No End)…  Intelligences or in other words those beautiful thinking shining little tiny stars that are you and me and everything from microscopic life to the giant whales of Earth, each with it’s own frequency and brilliance which predicts the state in which it will finally attain to.  God being the most brilliant of all.  There is one simple goal of the great creator…  UNIFY.  This has so many meanings and applications and I cannot go into each here but I will simplify by saying, all life is to attain it’s highest potential and at the same time attain the highest potential of community synchronization in love and power…  All emanating energy from each living creature passing through all other forms of life until one thought is possible and yet individuality is not lost.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!

This process of unification cannot be done with the least amount of force or the Universe cannot gain self power.  All life within this universe has only two choices… Unify or Destroy.  Creation is completely unbalanced in love and forward progression and Destruction is completely unbalanced in in hatred and regression.  With these two imbalances we have a perfect balanced Universe.  We as creatures now of the greatest creator through his invitation from simple light to compounded frequencies of mass are gently given the gift of reaching unified and perfected light frequency but this is something that cannot be forced or hurried.  You might say or compare our position with preschool.  We are being guided to partake of insults, pain, joy, laughter, sorrow, kindness, evil, righteousness, and every other form of expression you can think of available to you here on Earth.

You cannot build a self sustaining and aware power in this plan without allowing each free entity the clear and open chance to gather all of life’s lessons.  It must be done through patience, long suffering and complete love, otherwise the long tern strength of the Universe would implode on itself.  This super brief time in the eternity of your existence has been set aside  to introduce entities of light to the third dimension and all it has to offer through pleasure and pain either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.  If we are as narrow minded seagulls, then we see life not much further than our own wingtips.  We are however so much more capable.  Today is only a very small step in the improvement of what will be our perfected being.  We may seek elevated ascended power while we are here because we thing we might understand the destination and can imagine ourselves there…  but…  In truth our requirement with only a few years of given class time, say 70 to 100 years, is to attain the inner silence which embodies complete love without ever the slightest variation of judgment, or any negative energy directed toward any other life form.  Jesus was the example… endure all that the dark side has to throw at you and do so with forgiveness in it complete form.  Unconditional love for what you know is a lower form of living.  Until this is completely mastered, we will not be granted passage into the next step of elevation, though we are capable of it.

2. Can we embody and contain the pure Light of our immortal essence in this dimension, in physicality?

Though we desire this as strongly as we can, it is a similar thought for a child to desire to be a grown up.  What amazing damage it would cause to that child to bypass every lesson of life just to arrive at what we already know is a challenge.  This physical life places intrinsically on us a form of prison which is actually no prison at all but a slow, gentle love filled journey of purification.  It is wiser to seek perfection in that which seems so elementary to attain but in reality so difficult to maintain.  We must become as Christ in every action and sustain that indefinitely before receiving the power to manipulate the physical world through light amplification and thought frequency shifts.  However the longer we abide this life and continue to improve our inner spirit with light, the memory of light within our spiritual and physical body becomes a bank with never ending deposits of energy that will follow our core entity into other passages of eternity. 

3. Can we express ourselves, within our unique personas, as the pure expression of the Light, the Source, the Force, The Creator energy and fully manifest all that we are designed to – instantaneously as a thought, a sound, fully realized, fully integrated, and made manifest, in the blink of an eye?

Yes… Indeed this is the goal…  yet such power is not to be pronounced upon the child full of confusion or the adult so sure that he overlooks weak links in protecting all life in exchange for personal gain.  This power must come gently, carefully and under tutelage of one who has mastered every possible side and angle of misuse or righteous enfolding.  Don’t get me wron…  never underestimate yourself or the ability to attain to high things but understand your short timeframe is inadequate to perfect things which require more time that this small mortal pitstop can offer.  To seek full unity with Universe powers during your training of mortal challenges may mean the invitation of borrowed power from sources willing to offer a short cut that has little substance in centered eternal principles of unity.

We are all on the path, the trajectory, heading in the same direction, in varying degrees.

Indeed and so it is with all of Earth’s lifeforms.  The joy is the journey and not the destination.

We are literally born into this realm to explore and expand this innate potential. To make manifest the glory of God. If we so desire. We can actively use energy in a variety of condensed forms (sound, movement, smell, color, mediation, mantra, mudra, prayer, visualization, breathwork, even food, sunlight, etc) to purify, enhance and facilitate the clarification and rememberance of our vibratory field. Or we can sit in silence and allow and receive and become and be – without resistance – what’s always in all ways already there. What we already are, without fear or doubt or distraction or judgment or any need to define it on any human terms.

Can we be so pure in essence and still maintain physicality along that razor’s edge as Jesus and others have done and do? Yes, of course we can.

And I intend to explore and discover and glide that fine, white crystalline line, that razor’s edge, and use it in its highest capacity and for the highest good of All. See you soon…

Bodhisattva, I.


All my love to you in the purest of light that I understand at this moment.  Thanks for sharing you wisdom…..  MacJedi


So this conversation continued with a reply that I am unable to top as it seemed to be filled with nuggets of wisdom so well placed that I found myself near speechless or in other words in total agreement.  So here is the reply:


IWFG1818 is my cloaked self elsewhere. In English it means I Work For God. The numbers can be interpreted in various ways.

I so appreciate your eloquent and love-felt responses to my rhetorical questions. It’s improbable, if not impossible, to use a human construct like the English language to fully convey Truth in its absolute. Yet it’s human nature to make a concerted effort to not only understand and discern Truth through our individual unique selves, in an arena which seems to imply that we are separate entities no less. Particularly when we are all connected, albeit as uniquely expressed sub-particles of the same eternal Light, but still intentionally cloaked in our contrived, personalized, intentionally chosen and preferred images of self that portray specific meaning in and of themselves! Ironic, huh? But entertaining nonetheless. High Planes Drifter, MacJedi, hebiam, Camdoc, etc. Then we add avatars that further imply a stance or a belief or a perspective, perhaps hoping to simultaneously discover part of ourselves in others whom we may assume to be cloaked in a similar fashion, and perhaps hoping to understand and be understood.  But even at that I still oddly add the disclaimer that I realize I can only speak for myself so any shared information or even comments and dialogue have a tendency to be filtered and framed as if it’s true but it’s not! Whew!

So here we are here in 3D space /time (a human construct), interacting in various ways, perhaps motivated to learn and grow through that interaction, knowingly limited by yet still using language in our efforts to communicate. For example – We can use the word “force” in the context of “may the force be with you” as a “good” thing, then use the same word, “force” in the same discussion to imply something else that can be interpreted as a “bad” or inappropriate thing. One use as a noun, the other as a verb! We humans use the words that we’ve created to add the value or imply a stance when there is no universal definition in the human crafted word itself! Yet we might strive to be impeccable with our word. What fun, huh?

Anyway, I’ll proceed a little further and inject my perspective using the English words that are my designated symbols to convey  my thoughts (which also occur in English…and which in and of itself implies a multitude of suppositions about the notion of  “thought” … Sounds of and in Silence may be the only true language…) but I digress.

In any case, I dare say or write that, through this filtered lens, there are as many paths or stairways to Heaven, Godhead, Source, Light, Unity, Alignment as there are souls seeking their way into the remembrance of that full Union and alignment with the absolute energy from whence we emerge in various densities and forms – again a source which cannot be named according to the Tao. Because any effort to name or describe IT is automatically reduced by human language (aside from the few sacred languages perhaps) which is a human invention and the Absolute is not that.) Oh, what a conundrum indeed!

I suppose then we are left with other options for exploring and knowing that Absolute State of purity. But we still enjoy interacting and sharing and connecting and bantering with other like-minded beings. Sometimes seeking information or knowledge or wisdom from others, and sometimes to share earthly goals to make a positive impact on those around us, to do good works and elevate ourselves by lifting others around us, in a “we are all connected, so what we do for others we do for ourselves” kind of way. To simply alleviate the extreme suffering that exists in this world right now is a lofty and sacred purpose. Become our brothers’ keeper. That alone does have the capacity to transform and deliver us into a higher state of light and love and to deliver us ever closer to the absolute state, gates of heaven, as we continue to explore the endless outer edges of our infinity power to create or manifest or materialize or imagine or dream ourselves into what we long for or desire to be. To maximize our fullest potential as rendered unto us – by the Power vested in me (us) so to speak.

From my own particular angle, when others are suffering, I suffer as well. So to alleviate the suffering of others is to some extent selfish on my part, as a way to alleviate my own sense of suffering and then to replace it, to know, to feel, to grok that the work is holy. And that is both an avenue and a point of arrival. Bodhisattva or karma yoga – understood as a yoga or spiritual practice of selfless or altruistic service…  a supreme path to God.

In any case, I drift between worlds with this early morning musing in a semi-dream state as I greet the dawn which does sometimes cause nonsensical rambling, I admit! So I’ll end with the wise words of Einstein in his effort to convey his wisdom, which do inspire me:

“What we can imagine, we can create. Imagination is a prelude to the future.”

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

I for one believe in and imagine commonplace miracles.

Ain’t life grand? Perhaps I’ll see you along the trajectory.

Godspeed. May we all be blessed.  to you MJ

